In our place you can explore different methods of relaxation and massage technique as “spine works”. SPINE WORKS means working with the spine. With “Spineworks technique” we use humane methods initially relaxing the muscles and connective tissues, and then aligning the vertebrae without violent movements. The sessions last for one hour. The session will begin with questions about your current problem or pain (if present).

Also in our space you can watch and reflexology.A reflexology session and transdermal stimulation with special treatment pressures, rejuvenates the body, fights stress and fatigue and relieves nervous tension achieving total relaxation and sedation of the Nervous System.  Each session lasts about 1 hour. The aim of reflexology is to stimulate the body’s selfhealing ability and bring a state of balance in the body,  mind and spirit by activating the natural healing powers of the body. The reflexologist does not diagnose